Инструкция по эксплуатации Cybex ATON Q

Страница 43

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The following warranty applies solely in the country where

this product was initially sold by a retailer to a customer.

The warranty covers all manufacturing and material

defects, existing and appearing, at the date of purchase

or appearing within a term of three )3( years from the date

of purchase from the retailer who initially sold the product

to a consumer )manufacturer’s warranty(. in the event

that a manufacturing or material defect should appear,

we will – at our own discretion – either repair the product

free of charge or replace it with a new product. To obtain

such warranty it is required to take or ship the product to

the retailer, who initially sold this product to a customer

and to submit an original proof of purchase )sales receipt

or invoice( that contains the date of purchase, the name

of the retailer and the type designation of this product.

This warranty shall not apply in the event that this

product is taken or shipped to the manufacturer or any

other person other than the retailer who initially sold this

product to a consumer. Please check the product with

respect to completeness and manufacturing or material

defects immediately at the date of purchase or, in the

event that the product was purchased in distance selling,

immediately after receipt. in case of a defect stop using

the product and take or ship it immediately to the retailer

who initially sold it. in a warranty case the product has to

be returned in a clean and complete condition. Prior to

contacting the retailer, please read this instruction manual

carefully. This warranty does not cover any damages

caused by misuse, environmental influence )water, fire,



اذه .جتنملا ءارش مت يذلا ديحولا ىدم ىلع قبطنت يتلا ةيلاتلا تاحلطصملا„

امدنع ةدوجوم تناك يتلا تاجتنملا قولخم نع ةمجانلا بويعلا لك يطغي نامضلا

اهليعفت متيس ناك اذإ .)نامض( ءارشلا دعب نيتنس للاخ وأ جتنملا ءارشب تمق

.ديحولا انريدقت يف هلادبتسا وأ جتنملا حلاصإ متيس ،ةعنصملا ةكرشلا نامض

نيبت )ةروتاف( ءارشلا تابثإو ،جتنملا عم لاصتلاا ىجري جتنملا نامض ةبلاطملل

ىطعتسو .نم اهؤارش مت ةئزجتلاب عيبلا جتنملل ءارشلا خيراتو ،ءارشلا خيرات

لوعفملا ةيراس نامضلا .ةئزجتلا رجاتمل ةروتافو جتنملا ميدقت دعب لاإ جتنملا نامض

نامضو ،عيرسلا ديربلا ربع كل قيضم لاسرإ مت اذإ .جتنملا تانوكم صحف دعب

لا اهناو ،تاجتنملا للخ دوجو فاشتكا مت اذإ .تنأ ىلإ اهلوصو روف ةملاس

بجيو .جتنملا هنم تيرتشا يذلا ةئزجتلا رجات ىلإ اروف دوعي نأ بجيو مدختست

ىلإ لوصولا لبق .ةئزجتلا رجاتل ةفيظن يتأت جتانلا للخلا تلااح نم ةلاح لك يف

مادختسا ةءاسإ تلااح نامضلا يطغي لا .ةيانعب ليلدلا ةءارقل هيدل ةئزجتلا رجاتم

مادختسا وأ ،)كلذ ىلإ امو ،ثداوحلاو ،رانلاو ءاملا( ةيئيبلا فورظلاو ،جتنملا

عم ةقفاوتمو جتنملا مادختساو ةلاح ىوس يطغي لا نامضلا .ةلوقعم ةميق ضافخنا

مهل حرصملا سانلا لبق نم جتنملا حلاصإ متي .مدختسملا ليلد يف تدجو ماكحأ

.نوناقلا اهبكتري نامض ةيلوؤسم لمكي اذه .ةيلصلأا رايغلا عطق عم طقف
