Инструкция по эксплуатации ASSISTANT AT-2094 NEW

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Y O U R S U C C E S S I S O U R C O N C E R N !


A) Press [SPACE] key to conti nue
B) Press [ENTER] to see the meaning in dicti onary
C) Press [ESC] key to return back to test

4) Press [F3] key to get to the next questi on.

3. Hangman
The word to guess is represented by a row of questi on marks
«?». If the characters you guess exist in the word, it will replace
the questi on mark(s). If not, it will replace one of the dashes
«#», which represent the number of allowed wrong guesses.
If you guess the word before allowed number of mistakes is
reached, you win.
1) Type the character
2) Press [F1] key to reveal character(s). You will lose the game
if you choose to use [F1] opti on
3) Press [F2] key to see the score (pop-up) followed by the fol-
lowing two opti ons:

A) Press [SPACE] key to conti nue
B) Press [ENTER] to see the meaning in dicti onary
C) Press [ESC] key to return back to test


This Menu allows viewing the informati on about electronic
built-in dicti onaries: in Learning Mode [F3] select menu View
Dicti onary


This functi on off ers to the user to build a new vocabulary and
store it in the «User’s dicti onary». When you skim over words,
you can build a new vocabulary by yourself according to your
interest and need. The user can study the new word repeat-
edly unti l he grasps it. The Dicti onary has two kinds of User’s
dicti onary. The fi rst is English-Russian dicti onary and the other
is Russian-English dicti onary.
Choose the Use’s Dicti onary in the menu, and then press
[ENTER] to go into the User’s Dicti onary.
In the Dicti onary Mode next tabs are available:
1. Add New Words: type new word and translati on in opened
