Control panel, Display, Микро – Инструкция по эксплуатации Hyundai H-MW1320

Страница 7: Таймер, Гриль/комби, Авто, Разморозка no весу, Разморозка no времени, Number keys(0-9), Часы

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How to identify if certain cookware is suitable for microwave cooking purpose?

• Put the intended cookware together with a glass of water (300 ml) inside the oven cavity, and then set the oven at the "HIGH" stage for one minute.
• Applicable microwave cookware will be as cool as ever, while the water will absorb the energy and become warmer.

Control panel

1. Display
Show information such as cooking time, power, indicators and present time.

2. Попкорн, Картофель, Пицца, Напитки, Полуфабрикаты, Подогрев
Allow you to reheat or cook food automatically without entering power level or time.
3. Микро
Power level options are given.
4. Таймер
You can use the timer function independently, even while a cooking program is going on in the oven.
5. Гриль/комби
To set grill or combination of grill and micro power
6. Авто
To enter weight of meat accurately and the the oven will automatically set the cooking time and power level.
7. Разморозка no весу
To set the weight of the food to defrost and then the oven will automatically set the defrosting time and power level.
8. Разморозка no времени
To set defrosting time and then the oven will automatically divide the defrosting time into periods of alternating defrost and stand times by cycling on and
9. Number keys(0-9)
To set time or amount.

10. Часы

To set the clock.

11. Сброс

Clear all previous settings if touched before cooking starts.

12. Старт/стоп

Touch to start or stop cooking.

13. Child lock

