Q safety instructions, General safety, Safety instructions – Инструкция по эксплуатации Beko OIM 25501 X

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Q Safety instructions

General safety

This product is not intended to be

used by persons with physicai,

sensory or mentai disorders or

uniearned or inexperienced peopie
(inciuding chiidren) uniess they are

attended by a person who wiii be

responsibie for their safety or who

wiii instruct them accordingiy for

use of the product.
Chiidren must be supervised to

prevent them from tampering with

the product.

Connect the product to a

grounded outiet/iine protected by
a fuse of suitabie capacity as
stated in the "Technicai
specifications" tabie. Have the
grounding instaiiation made by a
quaiified eiectrician whiie using the

product with or without a

transformer. Our company shaii

not be iiabie for any damages that

wiii arise due to using the product
without a grounding instaiiation in
accordance with the iocai


Do not operate the product if the

power cabie or piug is damaged.

Caii Authorised Service Agent.

Do not operate the product if it is

defective or has any visibie

Do not carry out any repairs or

modifications on the product.

However, you may remedy some

troubies that do not require any

repairs or modifications. See

Troubleshooting, page 31.

Never wash down the product with

water! There is the risk of eiectric


Never use the product when your

judgement or coordination is

impaired by the use of aicohoi

and/or drugs.

Product must be disconnected

from the mains during instaiiation,

maintenance, cieaning and repair

instaiiation and repair procedures

must aiways be performed by

Authorised Service Agents.

Manufacturer shaii not be heid

responsibie for damages arising

from procedures carried out by

unauthorised persons.

Be carefui when using aicohoiic

drinks in your dishes. Aicohoi
evaporates at high temperatures
and may cause fire since it can

ignite when it comes into contact

with hot surfaces.

Do not heat ciosed tins and giass

jars in the oven. The pressure that

wouid buiid-up in the jar may

cause it to burst out.

Do not piace any fiammabie
materiais cióse to the product as

the sides become hot during use.

Do not piace baking trays, dishes

or aiuminium foii directiy onto the

bottom of the oven. The heat

accumuiation might damage the

bottom of the oven.

Keep aii ventiiation siots ciear of


Product may be hot when it is in
use. Never touch the hot burners.

7 I EN
