Gnu general public license, Licensing information, Gnu general public license licensing information – Инструкция по эксплуатации Asus RT-N16

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GNU General Public License
Licensing information

Th�s produ�t �n�ludes �opyr�ghted th�rd-party so�tware l��ensed under the terms o� the GNU

General Publ�� L��ense. Please see The GNU General Publ�� L��ense �or the exa�t terms and

�ond�t�ons o� th�s l��ense. We �n�lude a �opy o� the GPL w�th every CD sh�pped w�th our

produ�t. All �uture ��rmware updates w�ll also be a��ompan�ed w�th the�r respe�t�ve sour�e

�ode. Подробную информацию смотрите на нашем сайте. Note that we do not o��er d�re�t

support �or the d�str�but�on.


Vers�on , June 1991

Copyr�ght (C) 1989, 1991 Free So�tware Foundat�on, In�.

59 Temple Pla�e, Su�te 0, Boston, MA 0111-107 USA

Everyone �s perm�tted to �opy and d�str�bute verbat�m �op�es o� th�s l��ense do�ument, but

�hang�ng �t �s not allowed.


The l��enses �or most so�tware are des�gned to take away your �reedom to share and �hange

�t. By �ontrast, the GNU General Publ�� L��ense �s �ntended to guarantee your �reedom to

share and �hange �ree so�tware--to make sure the so�tware �s �ree �or all �ts users. Th�s General

Publ�� L��ense appl�es to most o� the Free So�tware Foundat�on’s so�tware and to any other

program whose authors �omm�t to us�ng �t. (Some other Free So�tware Foundat�on so�tware

�s �overed by the GNU L�brary General Publ�� L��ense �nstead.) You �an apply �t to your

programs, too.

When we speak o� �ree so�tware, we are re�err�ng to �reedom, not pr��e. Our General Publ��

L��enses are des�gned to make sure that you have the �reedom to d�str�bute �op�es o� �ree

so�tware (and �harge �or th�s serv��e �� you w�sh), that you re�e�ve sour�e �ode or �an get �t

�� you want �t, that you �an �hange the so�tware or use p�e�es o� �t �n new �ree programs; and

that you know you �an do these th�ngs.
To prote�t your r�ghts, we need to make restr��t�ons that �orb�d anyone to deny you these r�ghts

or to ask you to surrender the r�ghts. These restr��t�ons translate to �erta�n respons�b�l�t�es �or

you �� you d�str�bute �op�es o� the so�tware, or �� you mod��y �t.

For example, �� you d�str�bute �op�es o� su�h a program, whether grat�s or �or a �ee, you must

g�ve the re��p�ents all the r�ghts that you have. You must make sure that they, too, re�e�ve or

�an get the sour�e �ode. And you must show them these terms so they know the�r r�ghts.
We prote�t your r�ghts w�th two steps: (1) �opyr�ght the so�tware, and () o��er you th�s l��ense

wh��h g�ves you legal perm�ss�on to �opy, d�str�bute and/or mod��y the so�tware.
