Before you begin – Инструкция по эксплуатации Petsafe Easy Walk_для кошек

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Before You Begin

This will be a learning process for your cat, as you help her accept the harness

and learn to walk with the lead. Kittens will adjust most easily to the sensation of

the harness. An older cat may require more time to get used to the feeling of her

“new clothes.” It may be best to divide the fi tting and acclimation process into

several short sessions to keep the encounter positive. Try to end each session

on a pleasant note, and remove the harness when your cat is calm. If you sense

your cat’s reaction is on the verge of escalating, do not prolong the session, as

it may make the next one more diffi cult!

• If your cat is sensitive to handling or becomes anxious when encountering

new things, use treats, food, petting, brushing, or a favorite toy to make the

fitting experience a pleasant one.

• Choose a quiet time and a quiet room indoors without distractions for either

you or your cat.

• Reassure kitty with a calm voice and gentle petting in areas that she likes.

• Do not scold or yell, do not force, and never hit your cat. Your cat must feel

safe in the situation or she will be unable to learn from the experience.

• Schedule whatever kitty enjoys – mealtime, playtime, petting and brushing,

or catnip fests – to happen when she is wearing the harness. This helps her

associate the harness with good things!

Properly fitted, the harness will be very comfortable and safe for

your cat. Remember that any new clothing or equipment – shoes,

eyeglasses, contacts, or braces – may feel unusual at first, but

we acclimate to them in a short period of time. Do not let an

initial reaction from your cat discourage you. Keep in mind the

long-term goal of enriching your cat’s life by giving her broader

daily experiences



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