Half head with musculature – Инструкция по эксплуатации 3B Scientific Half Head with Musculature

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Median section
A Parietal bone
B Frontal bone
a Frontal sinus
C Nasal bone
D Ethmoidal bone
E Sphenoid
b Sphenoidal sinus
F Occipital bone
G Maxilla
H Palatine bone
I Mandible
K Hyoid bone
L Atlas
M Axis

I Telencephalon
II Diencephalon
III Mesencephalon
IV Metencephalon
V Myelencephalon
I, II, III Cerebrum
1 Superior sagittal sinus
2 Tentorium cerebelli
3 Cerebellum
3a Arbor vitae
4 Corpus callosum
4a Rostrum of corpus callosum
4b Genu of corpus callosum
5 Pellucid septum
6 Fornix
7 Anterior commissure
8 Interthalamic adhesion
9 Posterior commissure
10 Thalamus
11 Interventricular foramen
12 Aqueduct of midbrain
13 Fourth ventricle
14 Pineal gland
15 Optic chiasm
16 Pituitary gland
17 Mammillary body
18 Tectal plate
19 Superior medullary velum
20 Pons
21 Medulla oblongata
22 Spinal cord

a Superior nasal concha

b Middle nasal concha
c Inferior nasal concha
d Pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
e Pharyngeal recess
f Pharyngeal tonsil
g Orbicularis oris
h Incisors
i Palatine uvula
k Palatine tonsil
l Tongue
m Genohyoid
n Mylohyoid
o Pharynx
p Genioglossus

I Epiglottis
II Thyroid cartilage
III Cricoid cartilage
IV Median thyrohyoid ligament
V Median cricothyroid ligament
VI Transverse arytenoid
VII Vestibular fold
VIII Vocal fold
IX Laryngeal ventricle
X Trachea
XI Esophagus

Muscle side
24 Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis
24a Epicranial aponeurosis
25 Occipital belly of occipitofrontal
26 Auricularis posterior
27 Auricularis anterior
28 Temporoparietalis
24, 25 + 28 Epicranius
29 Orbital part of orbicularis oculi
30 Palpebral part of orbicularis oculi
31 Nasalis
32 Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
33 Levator labii superioris
34 Zygomaticus minor
35 Orbicularis oris
36 Zygomaticus major
37 Buccinator
38 Risorius
39 Depressor anguli oris
40 Depressor labii inferioris
41 Mentalis
42 Masseter
43 Sternocleidomastoid
44 Digastric


Half Head with Musculature
